About Me

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Winter Springs, Florida, United States
I was school taught for grooming at FIAA, in Winter Park. I have worked at both large corporate grooming salons and small independent ones. Love this profession! I consider myself talented and gentle and love all the pets that come through my door... I have excellent references.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Playdate with the BOYZ from FloridaChi.com

Sunday was a nice LAZY day here at home, at ChihuahuaCrazy.com...  KZ's puppies, Oliver and Boom Boom Jr (No Official Name Yet???) from BB x Chico's past Aug litter came to play with Boogie.  Remember, they were milk brothers early on. Canela was being a surrogate mom to the two boys... 

Well, we set up a comforter in the back yard and took out the new lot of puppies too... It was fun to watch all the different personalities intermingle.  Boogie was all over the place--trying to find the biggest branch to chew on...  Oliver and Boom Boom were venturing out a bit, but always running back to home base (mom) for comfort in what must have seemed like a jungle to them.  The horses from next door were up against the fence peering over at us--wanting to know what was going on??? They had never seen so many little chis (what must look like rats to them) pacing about...  And on our end, our chis were like, "What are those Giraffes doing there???"

So, they romped in the cool sunshine for a while.  Lucy's lot became tired after a bit.  And then we all said our goodbyes, until the next time...

I would love to plan for a big CHI get together--meaning all our past puppies--coming over at some point for a big ROMP... That would be a blast---hmmmmm......


Draco and his Mom said...

I adore little boom boom, he is exactly what I am looking for in my next Chi :)

Unknown said...

I love your chi's! I never ever liked the breed until I met you and your dogs. They are like big dogs trapped in little bodies. What I had imagined they would be like, and what they are, are completely different. I expected shaking little dogs. Not brave, social, beautiful pups. If I ever got one, I know who to get it from :D

Chaunalee said...

Oh my word!!! They are SO adorable!!!