Lucy is still not herself--a few chills and glands that haven't come down completely... =( But, she still has 5 days left of the new antibiotic--so, we'll see. My in-laws were here this past weekend and were introduced to the new puppies--like it or not for them! They are not animal people--but have no choice to accept it when they are here...
Nini's are more active by the day. They are going into the big kiddie pool today where they will have a folded comforter on one side, newspaper throughout the rest and their food & water, of course. Wow, time has flown-I can't believe we are at this point already! Just yesterday, it seems, I was transitioning the blues to the big pool...
Bingo is still with us--and loving and playful as ever. Ya, he isn't placed yet, but, on the other hand we are getting to enjoy all of his puppy love--that is a bonus...
Daisy and I are off to the barn to feed Lacy. Daisy loves to go with me and see the sights--geese, chicken, horses, german sherpherd (Duke) caretaker of the property... It's funny to watch her follow her nose then immediately look for me, to make sure she is OK and not alone in that big zoo! She is learning to stay near and follow my steps, which is a great thing in the training process--trust & obedience. She is listening more and more each day--without having to repeat the command... So, off to feed the horses--can't wait until they are here, where all I have to do is walk out in the yard and hear Lacy Loo calling for me...
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