The puppies (Lucy X Boogies 6.18.10 litter) have graduated to another part of the house--the family room where all things human and canine converge... They are wanting to play and move about a bit more. Also, the other dogs are anxious to get to know them. Today, they are officially 5 weeks of age! Man, where has time gone???
Lily has now passed down the post of "Queen of the litter" to Pebbles who wants to dominate all things living around her! She will play at any hour of the day or night, if she must, by herself with inanimate objects (which are not her favorite). She is incredibly playful and active and wears out her siblings to no end... Lily has become the one that everyone else picks on--because she is so laid back and passive, at this point. Snoopy is still speaking up a storm whenever he wants milk or the comfort of his silblings, if they wander too far and out of sight. And, Scooby is a pretty laid back little dude with the sweetest expression--makes you want to eat him alive!
We are now on Puppyfind and trying to find a home for Lily and Snoopy. I feel I may not be doing this much longer--as much as I love it. But, our lives are moving in a forward direction where breeding is not likely to fit into--sad, but it is our reality for now... So, full time work is something that will soon be in my future--eventhough I really feel being a mom to four and breeding is already a full time job ! But, being Realtors, has been a downfall for us and reinvention is necessary at this point. This economy has killed our industry and our livelyhood. I can barely actively think about for more than 5 minutes, unless I want to seriously fall into a deep depression...
Yet, I consider myself very lucky to have these dogs and pups in my life and that of our family's. They have given us so much--I cannot express how much I owe these little gifts of mine!!! If it wasn't for them, my sky would most certainly have been black--and it is not--for the most part it has maintained it's shade of a beautiful baby blue... Forward and onward...
About Me

- Ana
- Winter Springs, Florida, United States
- I was school taught for grooming at FIAA, in Winter Park. I have worked at both large corporate grooming salons and small independent ones. Love this profession! I consider myself talented and gentle and love all the pets that come through my door... I have excellent references.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Back to the puppies after "our" vacation...
"Where are we???"
We have just come back from a family re-union on Miami Beach where we were able to relax in the sun (got too much of it!) with our family--a whole 100 of us! Ya, a bit overwhelming, but fun nonetheless... We had to leave the puppies at home with my mother, who happens to live with us--bless her!!! They were in the best of care--although, Lucy missed us a whole lot and made my mother's nights a bit miserable!!! Otherwise, they are all fine. It was amazing to see how much they changed over the span of the 5 days. They look more mature now.
Lily wondering about the sun...
It's unbelievable to think they are going on 5 weeks of age already. Time has a way of zipping by... They are now beginning to try wet food--although their food of choice is Momma's yummy milk, hands down. But, soon they will be forced to eat more of the solid food--nature's intuition and way. Lucy will need a very long and deserving break after these puppies go. She is a true Mom and we couldn't see our lives without her...
Monday, July 12, 2010
Graduating to the BIG POOL, yet again...
It's BIG POOL time for our latest litter! They are not convinced of it, just yet. The expanse is vast, in their eyes. So, for the first few minutes there was a lot of whining, crying and howling. Yes, howling just like a Beagle would do chin up to the sky... Quite interesting. This litter has turned out to be quite vocal, in comparison to many of our past litters. Boogie is a talker, just like his mom is... He is not annoying in the barking sense--doesn't really bark--but, he does, in my opinion, try to mumble or talk certain opinions to humans and other dogs, alike... He is our special "little man", no doubt.
At this point, which is just a half hour after they were put into the Big Pool, they are all huddled together, for safety and comfort, in a corner of the pool on the comforter. The texture of the newspaper is new to them, as is the bigger space. They already took a couple of pees on it--yayyyyy! This way they learn quickly how to pee and poo on newspaper--thus, paper training... Dry food is also introduced at this point. Although, they are just beginning to get their milk teeth. Soon though, mom (Lucy) will decide to let them nurse less and less. It's incredible how quickly time passes...
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Almost halfway there!
So, the puppies have been doing what they do --which is sleep, nurse, play (for short spurts), pee & poop (of course!) and the cycle repeats itself all over again and again... Not the most exciting thing, but we are thankful they are complete, healthy and growing beautifully. Our goal now, and always, is to find the right homes for them... I feel very blessed in that arena--we have found so many great people to care for our little ones over and over again... Chihuahuas are so addictive. I think once you become a Chi owner, there is just no turning back--no other breed will suffice at this point!
They are all showing bits and pieces of their personalities, at this point--we have Lily which is the one who thinks she is in charge of the group with a soft but stern confidence; then there is Pebbles which is just happy to be belly up and in someones arms at any given moment; Scooby is just a jolly, happy go lucky boy with few cares; and lastly, there is Snoopy whose main concern is to find a comfy sleeping spot (he can get quite whiny if he doesn't get accommodated quite fast--but, it's cute to hear how vocal he is...). They will certainly all change in the coming weeks. They change quickly and develop into their own individuals. It will be fun to see what they will turn into in the coming weeks...
Watch our latest video of the pups @:
They are all showing bits and pieces of their personalities, at this point--we have Lily which is the one who thinks she is in charge of the group with a soft but stern confidence; then there is Pebbles which is just happy to be belly up and in someones arms at any given moment; Scooby is just a jolly, happy go lucky boy with few cares; and lastly, there is Snoopy whose main concern is to find a comfy sleeping spot (he can get quite whiny if he doesn't get accommodated quite fast--but, it's cute to hear how vocal he is...). They will certainly all change in the coming weeks. They change quickly and develop into their own individuals. It will be fun to see what they will turn into in the coming weeks...
Watch our latest video of the pups @:
Sunday, July 4, 2010
All are looking for trouble!
Only one able to keep his eyes open here is Snoopy--all are off to LaLa land...
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Peeka Boo!
It is day 13 and Lily has beat all her siblings in being the first one to open her eyes! Not a peek--but, wide open... They are always a little fuzzy the first week or so. As time goes by, they become clearer looking and so does their vision... Everything is pretty much a blurr to in the beginning. In a week or so, she will be using her vision much more and pegging her brothers and sister for little wrestling matches. Can't wait for that, it is always so cute and funny to see them go at it...
I cannot believe how quickly time is passing. Just yesterday they were looking like little newborn hamsters and now they are so much more agile and mobile. And boy do they complain when that milk doesn't flow fast enough out of mom's boobies--it's funny, annoying and disconcerting all in one! They are luscious, nonetheless, and I am enjoying every minute of having them here. Life is, as always, miraculous to me...
I cannot believe how quickly time is passing. Just yesterday they were looking like little newborn hamsters and now they are so much more agile and mobile. And boy do they complain when that milk doesn't flow fast enough out of mom's boobies--it's funny, annoying and disconcerting all in one! They are luscious, nonetheless, and I am enjoying every minute of having them here. Life is, as always, miraculous to me...
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