Everything is status quo--no real change or huge news to report on. Lexi and Bella, which will now be Khloe and Lotti--have to get used to calling them those names! are doing great. They have now come out of their puppy pool and joined the whole family in the family room, with it's TV, traffic of kids, adults and other dogs. They are now exploring the area and playing with their choice of dog, at an given time... Lexi (Khloe) is a total fluff ball--she reminds us of a mink coat, with the mink coloring and all! And little Bella (Lotti) is a little spitfire full of play and fun. Her coat is not turning out as long as I thought it would be, by this point. She may just end up a rough coat--short coat with a thicker and bit longer coat--but not quite the true longcoat... They're going home the weekend of the 14th of May to Cottondale, FL which is on the panhandle of FL. They will have a Shitzu and a Schnauzer sister and brother waiting for their arrival, as well as a human sister and brother... The family is very excited...

The only news we do have is that Lucy and Boogie did the deed. They will be expecting puppies around the 16th of June--give or take a few days. We are excited to see what that union produces, being that Boogie is a 3.6 lb. adult... Nini, was not going to be bred again this time--but, with the slip of a door, Chico got her. I have to decide what to do with that situation. She is and has always been in excellent health. Her 5th birthday was this past December. I will consult with our vet before making the decision to either let her continue with the pregnancy or to have her spayed at this point... We'll see.
And so, all is well and normal as usual here at our Zoo.
Nothing new or exciting to report on... The girls, Bella and Lexi, are doing well, as is usual at this point. They are now becoming very interested when Mom's wet food is in the pool... They scramble over to it as fast as they can... Daisy is not too convinced she should be sharing it, yet. She growls a little at the fact that they have their noses in her food. After all, she is ravenous at this point being that she is a small female and providing milk for two little girls who love to drink! But, hey, that is motherhood for you. Anyway, the girls had crisscrossed their heads this morning--which I love to see. So, here are a few pics of crisscrossed heads...
too precious...
The two girls Daisy had will be 4 weeks old on Wed--hard to believe time gets by you at such a fast rate! But, yeah, they are now moving around so much more. They tend to be a little unsteady at times. It's so funny to see them play together, actually grabbing at each other or trying to bite each other's ears, etc...
Bella, our teeny princess, is not looking to be as longcoated as Lexi. She may just end up a short long coat, referred to as a rough coat, sometimes. But, Lexi has the softest coat ever... It's like cashmere to my touch and is quite long. They depend on one another for comfort when momma is not in the pool with them. That is touching to watch. Time is flying and sooner than not, they will be gone. That is the sad part of this...
We took a little family trip to South Florida, Miami Beach to be exact... Needed it so badly. Sorry for the lack of updates, but that is the reason why. The babies are doing great--funny how they change in just 3 nights of not being with them constantly... They are growing their legs--meaning walking around a lot more. Lexi's coloration is still awesome and getting a bit on the lighter side--she still has a lot of the ashy blue in her coat, though. Bella is a teeny little princess that is just so "china doll" perfect... Both are different, yet so beautiful in their individual ways...
The only pics I could get of them this morning was when they were snoozing. So beautiful to watch them rest so peacefully--if only humans could attain that level of instant rest, such as they do... I certainly can't--if a mosquito buzzes--I am up and erect in bed wondering where that noise came from--very annoying...
Here are the Sleeping Beauties...