Daisy, our 5 lb. Chocolate Spotted on White with Tan Points, was bred to Frostee (4.5 lbs.), from Floridachi.com. She is due to have her puppies on the 19th of March, 2010. She is not looking pregnant just yet. But, the little ones tend to take a bit longer to show anyway. She has been a bit repugniated with certain foods and smells... Not too bad--at least there isn't any vomitting involved...
She is a cutie. She is however AKC Conditional-due to no fault of mine... Irresponsible breeding from previous breeders on her father's side. Shortly sfter having gotten her AKC registered, I received a letter from AKC stating that her parentage was in question--specifically, her grandparents (the parents of Daisy's father) were in question. AKC was going to try and resolve the issue with the breeder of the grandparents--but, apparently the breeder was not responding to the contact AKC was trying to establish with them... What a surprise...
No scruples, in my opinion--"I am just going to do whatever the hell I want--and h***, AKC can't tell me what to do!" attitude... So, everyone who received/paid for a puppy from Daisy's litter got screwed! The h*** with us!... Gives the term "Backyard Breeder" the sleezy feeling associated everytime you hear that term...
Unfortunately, it screws us all (those that breed responsibly from home) up the you know what...
So, AKC Conditioned Daisy-which means that she and the puppies born to her can only participate in particular/designated shows. Meaning she cannot participate openly in all the categories AKC has to offer. I am not able to show, at this point in my life--so, for me it is not a tremendous issue. And luckily, most people that buy from me are "pet only." But, it just complicates it all... And I feel ripped off... Although, I would not trade Daisy for the world--very easy going quiet loving chi and small, as far as Chi standards go...
Again, the puppies should be here on or before the 19th of March. I do expect them to be little ones--am not super excited about that... But, it will be what it will be. Let's hope they are all born healthy--#1 goal...
She is very beautiful and sweet. Pictured here with Boogie as a puppy, to the right.