Happy to report that Nini and her puppies are doing phenomenal... She has what I call "Nini's SuperMilk." So, they are growing into little pudgers as I type. I am thinking of keeping Maya, the chocolate spotted on white with tan points. She is all daddy in the muzzle and face. Nini will be retired as of this last breeding-she is already 5 and has been a super producer...
Have had many people seriously interested in little Maya, as far away as the great state of Washington in the NW corner of our country. So, I have to make a decision very quickly about whether she will stay with us or not.
Pancho, I am happy to say, found a GREAT home with a retired couple that lives in Vero Beach, FL, directly across from the beach... He will have the smell of the ocean breeze, birds, sand, people and other dogs--he is a lucky little one... He did great his first night there.
All in all, I am feeling upbeat. I have been very fortunate, no matter what... Life is good. =)
About Me

- Ana
- Winter Springs, Florida, United States
- I was school taught for grooming at FIAA, in Winter Park. I have worked at both large corporate grooming salons and small independent ones. Love this profession! I consider myself talented and gentle and love all the pets that come through my door... I have excellent references.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Thanks to all for your sympathy in Vida's loss ...
I wanted to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart for all the kind words, positive thoughts and support from all that read my blog about Vida... It did make a difference in her short life--she was comfortable and peaceful up until the very end--and it was because of all your well wishes and GOOD ENERGY...
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Vida has left this earth for a better one...
January 26, 2010, 4:16pm, exact time of Vida's passing. The Chi GODS have called her into duty, it seems...
This is the Eulogy I wrote for her on the first night she almost passed, just a couple of days ago... It may not be the best--but, it was from the heart...
As cruel as I think Vida's lesson/existence was to me, I am ashamed that I even felt her existence was difficult for me... I realize that is a very shallow and selfish emotion to be feeling. She was the one suffering not, me. I, now, see it all in a different light:
Vida was given to me by this infinite and omnipotent Universe for many reasons-all of which I may not be enlightened enough to know in this life... But, she has been a 4.5 oz, for most of her 14 days of life, inspiration. Despite what was probably ailing and cheating her of a full long life on this earth, she is COURAGE.
In her small shiny face, I saw determination an a fierce spirit for life. She was a WARRIOR!
She barely complained a day and did the best with what she was delt, moving that little body all the way the circumference of the pool to get to where she needed to go... She was DETERMINATION.
So many more infinite insights will come of Vida's role in my life, I am sure, as the days and years pass. She is DIGNITY in every sense of the word with all of it's glory...
Forward and onward...
I am consoled by a beautiful picture in my mind of BB receiving you with a huge lick on the face as you arrived to the afterlife in Chi Heaven...
Vida Linda
January 12, 2010 - January 26, 2010
Back to not doing well...
The night she cheated death...
Vida had an OK night-no real issues. She slept well and I supplemented, with a syringe, as usual. At around 11:30 am, this morning she started to struggle for breath, again. Her color changed to a deep purple, again. And, it seems, we are back in the same situation as a couple of nights ago. But, this is our special little "Vida" we are talking about--she may surprise us again...
I ended up finding the pictures I misplaced from yesterday. Some are of Vida on the night she took the turn for the worse--and what I thought would be her last living photographs. And, some are of our playdate with Skyla (Moo Moo) yesterday.
I want to take this opportunity to THANK ALL who have left me positive comments and thoughts in reference to Vida's struggle. You have given me strength at very critical points in this struggle. You have all been so gracious and encouraging... I can't thank you all enough--the chi world is like no other!
Skyla and Lucy--mirror images to me...
Monday, January 25, 2010
Vida has proven to have so much vida in her...
Last night was looking very bleak. As we prepared to go to sleep at 11:35pm or so, Vida took her last supplement feeding for the night. She quickly began to take a turn for the worse in her breathing and color. Her color around her lips, nose and the inside of her mouth could only be described as a blue purple... Not good. Then shortly after that, her breathing became very labored and distant in timing. To add to her distress, all she could do was cry with every gasping breath she took--agonizing, pure torture to watch. I am by no means a masochist, I can take physical pain very well, but this was different. Yet, I had to stay awake, cry for her, kiss her gently time and again, take a few pics of her last moment here on earth and hopefully stay awake until her last breath was taken by her... So, the process which I said started at around 11:35pm, lagged into 12:40am, then 1:53am and finally sleep got the best of me at my last look of the clock at 2:46am... A eulogy, which I would share on my blog, was completed on paper by me before my eyes shut tight. I had conceded in my mind to waking and finding a lifeless little body that I would then put in a ziploc and in the freezer, so that we could bury her as a family later, with the dignity she deserved...
So, when my eyes opened at 5:09am, I was just plain floored, amazed and my jaw dropped. She was snuggled in corner of the pool amongst a blanket and Maya. Her color had improved dramatically. It took me a moment to watch for a breath--but, there it was! I could not believe my eyes... This had been nothing short of a miracle. All I could do was thank my grandmother up above, who I had been praying and pleading with, to just take her quickly as she agonized and cried to breathe during the earlier hours...
A flash of hope, lightness, joy and pure gratitude to the powers above all rolled into one BIG emotion ran through my body from head to toe--that is the only way I can describe what I felt... It was an ethereal moment in time, which I will never, ever forget--no matter what happens from this point on...
To provide a little relief from these past 14 days or so--SKLA (previously Moo Moo) and her owner April showed up for a playdate. April helped hold Vida wrapped in a blanket out in the sun for a little while, as I prepared her formula. SKYLA is looking like the spitting image of Lucy-- I MEAN SPITTING IMAGE--dark blue colored spots, like Lucy's dark blue. She has the same exact face and expression in her eyes... It's so sweet to see them side by side... I had those beautiful pics--and now they are gone, due to my technical savvyness... =(
Sorry April, next time we'll get some good pics again!
Footnote: Being the clear headed ZOMBIE that I am today---I somehow deleted all the great pictures I had on my SD card when uploading onto the computer. So, this blog is pictureless...sorry...
So, when my eyes opened at 5:09am, I was just plain floored, amazed and my jaw dropped. She was snuggled in corner of the pool amongst a blanket and Maya. Her color had improved dramatically. It took me a moment to watch for a breath--but, there it was! I could not believe my eyes... This had been nothing short of a miracle. All I could do was thank my grandmother up above, who I had been praying and pleading with, to just take her quickly as she agonized and cried to breathe during the earlier hours...
A flash of hope, lightness, joy and pure gratitude to the powers above all rolled into one BIG emotion ran through my body from head to toe--that is the only way I can describe what I felt... It was an ethereal moment in time, which I will never, ever forget--no matter what happens from this point on...
To provide a little relief from these past 14 days or so--SKLA (previously Moo Moo) and her owner April showed up for a playdate. April helped hold Vida wrapped in a blanket out in the sun for a little while, as I prepared her formula. SKYLA is looking like the spitting image of Lucy-- I MEAN SPITTING IMAGE--dark blue colored spots, like Lucy's dark blue. She has the same exact face and expression in her eyes... It's so sweet to see them side by side... I had those beautiful pics--and now they are gone, due to my technical savvyness... =(
Sorry April, next time we'll get some good pics again!
Footnote: Being the clear headed ZOMBIE that I am today---I somehow deleted all the great pictures I had on my SD card when uploading onto the computer. So, this blog is pictureless...sorry...
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Vida still has vida...
Vida, it seems, will either be the world's tiniest Chihuahua, at only 4.5 oz going on 14 days of life or will pass soon... But, I think this little girl doesn't know the meaning of soon--so, we shall see... She is now on Goat's milk and seems to like it a bit better--although she is not enthusiastic about any kind of milk at this point... This is hard--it is taking a toll ; still trying to decipher what it is I am supposed to learn from this endless lesson.
She is nearly opening her eyes, when she is a bit more alert and not sluggish. Lethargic is what she is most of the time. She would have been quite furry and full coated--she already is more so than the others of which I think will be longcoats... I am still on vigil with her--although exhaustion tends to get the best of me in the wee hours of the night... I try to sleep as lightly as I can. Have to say, if this is what having little teeny chis is like-- I am not looking forward to Daisy's litter.... =(
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Vida clinging by a string...
Vida has now stopped nursing from Nini altogether. It's heartbreaking. I am supplementing with a syringe, because she will not suckle from a bottle. She barely swallows what I can get in her, which at this point is about 2cc's. She cried, it seems, in agony last night. I tried to comfort her by adjusting her spot, cuddling her, hydrating her tongue--anything and everything you could think of--I tried... My vet thinks that her liver is probably not working correctly--maybe malformed... Makes sense--she has not grown like the others when she was suckling from Nini's rich fatty milk... So, being that the liver plays one of the main roles in metabolizing our food/nutrients--I can only guess hers is not well...
She is however a fighter--I would have thought that she would have left us by now... The Albon (antibiotic) is still being given, doubt it will do much at this point. My main focus with her today is to keep her comfortable, as I want her to pass here by the side of her mom and siblings--so that it is her final view of this world as she exits. I hope she knows that she was cherished. Vida will always hold a special place in my heart and memories. We will miss her...
The pictures were taken yesterday, 1.22.10.
She is however a fighter--I would have thought that she would have left us by now... The Albon (antibiotic) is still being given, doubt it will do much at this point. My main focus with her today is to keep her comfortable, as I want her to pass here by the side of her mom and siblings--so that it is her final view of this world as she exits. I hope she knows that she was cherished. Vida will always hold a special place in my heart and memories. We will miss her...
The pictures were taken yesterday, 1.22.10.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Vida is home from the vet...
Vida is now home from her vet visit this morning. She was given another enema, but nothing of much consistency came out; mostly just yellow watery stool. Her stool was examined twice, under the microscope by Dr. Hill himself, to see if there were any signs of Coccidia--none that he could find. But, she will be put on Albon until Monday, just as a precautionary measure. She wiggled, squirmed and walked the length of the cage she was in. The surgery room was filled with her non-stop whiny squeaking. She had everyone on their toes... Yeah Vida!!!
But, as Dr. Hill says, it could go either way. He has seen worse cases pull through. Yet, he has seen more encouraging cases not make it. So, we are still up in the air--which is torturous...
She has nursed since getting home--encouraging for me... Her color seems a bit better--also encouraging... But, she is still in the hands of the higher power. And I am no clairevoyant...
Vida is still not well, but still here...
She is at the Vets until 1pm. They will give her another enema and keep a close eye on her. Supplemental milk will also be given if needed. I cried as I left her and told them to take extra special care of her! "I want her to die at home with her mom and siblings--if the Doc thinks she has very little chance of survival." I said to Julia who works at the reception desk. I was assured by her that she would make sure she was being watched carefully...
However, she did come home yesterday, after her first enema, and nursed a few times from Nini. I did have to supplement because she just wasn't nursing as often as the others--and I didn't want her to become dehydrated. So, she had a 3am feeding via syringe, because she will NOT TAKE A BOTTLE. So, hard when they just reject that rubbery nipple--but I can see why--it is no where near as soft and supple as is mom's. More formula was given to her before I took her in this morning...
This morning, after not seeing her poop last night, I tried to give her a warm water enema on my own with a suctioner. Seems to have gone in-she whined a bit-but nothing came out. I had no choice but to run over the the Vets again... Everyone was cooing over how beautiful and little she is... Many warm wishes for her as I sat and waited for them to attend to her... Everyone talked with me about how much their own animal meant to them... No different from our human kids-we all agreed... This is turning into a grueling never ending lesson--am not sure what I need to be taking from this??? As I said before, my heart will NEVER harden for any of my babies... So, if that is the lesson I need to digest, then I suggest to the powers, to stop trying to shove it down my throat--they will not win! I will never become some callous breeder or person when it comes to the animals of our Earth. I was born on Earth Day-April 22, after all...

Sorry to ramble this is just all taking a toll on my mind and I am physically worn out too...
I will post again after I pick her up at 1pm. Please send her your positive wishes--I believe positive energy can work miracles...
However, she did come home yesterday, after her first enema, and nursed a few times from Nini. I did have to supplement because she just wasn't nursing as often as the others--and I didn't want her to become dehydrated. So, she had a 3am feeding via syringe, because she will NOT TAKE A BOTTLE. So, hard when they just reject that rubbery nipple--but I can see why--it is no where near as soft and supple as is mom's. More formula was given to her before I took her in this morning...
This morning, after not seeing her poop last night, I tried to give her a warm water enema on my own with a suctioner. Seems to have gone in-she whined a bit-but nothing came out. I had no choice but to run over the the Vets again... Everyone was cooing over how beautiful and little she is... Many warm wishes for her as I sat and waited for them to attend to her... Everyone talked with me about how much their own animal meant to them... No different from our human kids-we all agreed... This is turning into a grueling never ending lesson--am not sure what I need to be taking from this??? As I said before, my heart will NEVER harden for any of my babies... So, if that is the lesson I need to digest, then I suggest to the powers, to stop trying to shove it down my throat--they will not win! I will never become some callous breeder or person when it comes to the animals of our Earth. I was born on Earth Day-April 22, after all...
Sorry to ramble this is just all taking a toll on my mind and I am physically worn out too...
I will post again after I pick her up at 1pm. Please send her your positive wishes--I believe positive energy can work miracles...
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Vida clinging, but barely...
Vida went to see the Vet this afternoon. He found her to be constipated and gave her an enema. Was told to supplement with formula. However, she is refusing both the bottle and her mother's nipple--which is disheartening... I can only keep her warm for now next to her momma. She will wither away quickly at this rate-no doubt. It is just a matter of waiting for her to take her last breath...
What hurts the most is the fact that she looks like a such a precious little piece of perfection... Complete, shiny, coordinated and agile...
If she continues to wither with no hope and is clinging to life tomorrow morning, then I may just have to take her in and euthanize her--it's more humane that watching her suffer this long...
Vida is taking a turn for the worse...
Looks like today will end with much heartache... Vida has taken a turn for the worse. Yesterday evening she began to act sluggish and not enthusiastic when it came to nursing. Her color also became quite dark and purplish.
I tried it all-bottle feeding (would have nothing to do with it), Karo Syrup (only got her up and going for a minute or two), Hydrating her with water (cried through it)--it just looks like the end is near. All I can do is keep her by her mother's side and covered with a blanket... I kiss her every time I go by...
I feel defeated by death, after almost 9 nights of no sleep and constant vigil... Death is not my friend--I have never like the damn "Grim Reaper..." I don't do well when Death is near... I have had way too much of it in my 39 years of life. Starting with my father whom I lost at just 8 years of age. To then see my grandfather, (mother's dad) whom I loved dearly and who lived with us, wither away at home from Lung Cancer when I was 14. Lost my last living grandparent (mom's mother) March 1st of 2008 here in Winter Springs in the care of Hospice at my mother's home. Saw her leave this world, also... My list of Death's visits feels neverending...
It is too soon. I still think of BB and how I wanted to breathe life into her body... How my friend Karen would feel on return-it was unbearable. It is no different this time. I learn no new lessons from Death visiting... The pain is no less each time...
Vida and I will meet again, in the end. And she will be cured of all that ails her... She will be a beautiful cream and white longcoated 2 lb. girl with tail wagging... And she will slobber me with kisses.
Sorry to get so personal. It's been a long week and tough fight. I cannot keep my heart and mind from aching right now....
I tried it all-bottle feeding (would have nothing to do with it), Karo Syrup (only got her up and going for a minute or two), Hydrating her with water (cried through it)--it just looks like the end is near. All I can do is keep her by her mother's side and covered with a blanket... I kiss her every time I go by...
I feel defeated by death, after almost 9 nights of no sleep and constant vigil... Death is not my friend--I have never like the damn "Grim Reaper..." I don't do well when Death is near... I have had way too much of it in my 39 years of life. Starting with my father whom I lost at just 8 years of age. To then see my grandfather, (mother's dad) whom I loved dearly and who lived with us, wither away at home from Lung Cancer when I was 14. Lost my last living grandparent (mom's mother) March 1st of 2008 here in Winter Springs in the care of Hospice at my mother's home. Saw her leave this world, also... My list of Death's visits feels neverending...
It is too soon. I still think of BB and how I wanted to breathe life into her body... How my friend Karen would feel on return-it was unbearable. It is no different this time. I learn no new lessons from Death visiting... The pain is no less each time...
Vida and I will meet again, in the end. And she will be cured of all that ails her... She will be a beautiful cream and white longcoated 2 lb. girl with tail wagging... And she will slobber me with kisses.
Sorry to get so personal. It's been a long week and tough fight. I cannot keep my heart and mind from aching right now....
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Vida makes it to 8 days of age...
This is Vida--she is officially 8 days old today and fits in the palm of my hand. Her weight is now 4.6 oz, while all her siblings have doubled in size, if not are very close to doubling.... My dogs have always produced the bigger chunkier puppies--this is a new experience for me. Have to say--it's a scary one! I am not convinced that these little puppies are all that easy to produce... It's really hard work, not to mention taxing on the mind and emotions...
She is addictive--I have to kiss her, hold her and watch over her wayyyyyyy too much.... !!! I think she is exquisite... Perfection. I want as many people out there to see her and keep her in their thoughts--only good thoughts for her!!! She needs all of the positive energy she can get. All I ask is that you take a few seconds to hold Vida in your thoughts and think only good things for her to come! Thanks!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Vida is one tough cookie...
Vida has decided she wants to live... She is a little fighter who wiggles her way around the little pool they are all in to find that nice warm milk coming from her momma. Eventhough she gets tossled and shoved off many times, her resolve is constant... Up she gets and goes right back to where she was headed. Finally, she finds that spot that is meant for her and attaches. All the others have doubled in size, or close to it. She continues to weigh in at 4.4oz for the past two days. No signs of dehydration. I am faithfully dabbing her tongue with Karo every couple of hours. I feel it is helping. I know from the little knowledge I have of medicine, that glucose plays a big role in being able to metabolize food. If your levels are too low, then whatever you ingest will not be converted into energy that the body can use and benefit from... So, I will continue to dab her for a few more days--until something significant happens--and let's hope the significant change is positive....!!!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Zombie daze....
So, sorry for the lack of updates/info---I am in a constant mental and physical fog. Nini and Chico had their puppies in the AM of the 12th of Jan. She started at 2am and ended at almost 7am. Six puppies were delivered, but one was a stillborn, a cream colored male. Sad--tried to work on him, but it was apparent he had not been alive for some time. The placenta attached to him, which is supposed to be a dark deep red, was green and decomposing; sign of having died in the womb. Anyway, 5 others were born into this world. Three girls and two boys. One little girl, I am naming Vida (for life in Spanish) was born with her sack already deflated--which can cause them to aspirate the water from their sack if it breaks in the canal... So, I am assuming she aspirated her sack water which caused her to have water in her lungs. Well, you get the picture--she had a hell of a time breathing for a long time. I worked on her for over two hours until I felt her breathing had a rhythm and looked more stabilized... We're talking the CHI-ICU over at ChihuahuaCrazy! CRAZY!!!!
Her color was a deep red/purple for a couple of days--they call it the color of death in the Chi breeding world. But, now she is looking rosier. She is looking better everyday and becoming more active and squirmy--but, I do not want to artificially inflate my head with pretty thoughts--she may still not make it. We will see.... She is literally half the size of the others... She just now started to gain some weight--she had been maintaining her weight, but not showing signs of gain... If you read this, send a positive thought our way for VIDA...
It amazes me to think that with every birth I always learn something new. This time the lesson learned was KEEP A TAB ON ALL PLACENTAS PER PUPPY. Nini had a few consecutive quick whelps and ripped the cord leaving the placenta in her uterus. Well, she retained two placentas in all. The next day she constantly leaked a heavy dark green liquid-unusually heavy... It worried me. In the evening I decided to bathe her bottom to get her clean and thank goodness two cords were hanging out of her vulva. So, I was able to pull one--and there was a complete placenta and then the other... Sounds gross and it is, but she could have become SEPTIC if they would have continued in her. She felt the instant relief after they were extracted... New Nini.
So, I am doing what I always do with every litter which is to care for them as they sleep and nurse next to my side of the bed with a night light on (which my husband really appreciates!). I wake up a thousand times to adjust and rearrange them, take Nini out to potty, clean her up as she comes back in, feed her and give her water and then help the puppies latch on again... No sleep for me for now. But, I would not do it any other way....
Her color was a deep red/purple for a couple of days--they call it the color of death in the Chi breeding world. But, now she is looking rosier. She is looking better everyday and becoming more active and squirmy--but, I do not want to artificially inflate my head with pretty thoughts--she may still not make it. We will see.... She is literally half the size of the others... She just now started to gain some weight--she had been maintaining her weight, but not showing signs of gain... If you read this, send a positive thought our way for VIDA...
It amazes me to think that with every birth I always learn something new. This time the lesson learned was KEEP A TAB ON ALL PLACENTAS PER PUPPY. Nini had a few consecutive quick whelps and ripped the cord leaving the placenta in her uterus. Well, she retained two placentas in all. The next day she constantly leaked a heavy dark green liquid-unusually heavy... It worried me. In the evening I decided to bathe her bottom to get her clean and thank goodness two cords were hanging out of her vulva. So, I was able to pull one--and there was a complete placenta and then the other... Sounds gross and it is, but she could have become SEPTIC if they would have continued in her. She felt the instant relief after they were extracted... New Nini.
So, I am doing what I always do with every litter which is to care for them as they sleep and nurse next to my side of the bed with a night light on (which my husband really appreciates!). I wake up a thousand times to adjust and rearrange them, take Nini out to potty, clean her up as she comes back in, feed her and give her water and then help the puppies latch on again... No sleep for me for now. But, I would not do it any other way....
Nini and her pups...
Saturday, January 9, 2010
NIni looking like a beached whale...
So, Nini is still doing well and holding on... I thought she would blow by now--but, her appetite is good and her belly is still high. As soon as she stops eating and starts the panting, we'll know the moment is approaching.
Boogie likes to keep her company and lick her eyes and ears--which Nini loves.
Pancho left us today for his new home with Melissa and Chad in Port Orange, where Melissa will be starting Chiropractic School. He will be spoiled! She arrived with his crate, couture jacket, leash & collar and comfy harness... Am elated he found such a great home... They promise to update ChihuahuaCrazy soon!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The Heat is On!!!!
So, Daisy which I thought would just skip this heat altogether is finally showing signs being in heat--bleeding, flagging and being very promiscuous with the males in the house. She really wants Boogie to be a MAN--but, poor Boogie, as bad as he wants to please her, he just can't manage to at almost 6 mths of age... His time will come...
The next best thing is a friend's male, Nacho, who lives nearby... He is a red on white with Irish markings and a teeny bit smaller than Daisy. I think they will make beautiful puppies... Daisy is now at Charlotte's house. Charlotte lives next to Jessie (Nacho's owner) and Nacho and will be supervising the Tango between the two... So far, so good. Looks like Daisy approves of her partner and "daddy to be" to her puppies. I imagine she will be having her pups sometime in mid March if all goes well...
Monday, January 4, 2010
Holidays are over-back to reality...
Baaaahhhh, yup it's done... Taking down the tree (blah!), putting away exterior lights (ehhhh), finding spots for all the Christmas gifts in all ready packed closets! (ughhhh) Returning stuff that is not what we quite need or want--yuck...
Don't mean to bring anyone down--just wish it could last longer, that's all....
So, here we are just waiting for something to happen with Nini-when she is ready which could mean as soon as 6 days from today...
Daisy, it seems is in full blown heat!!!! Chico and she are doing the dance. Although, I think it will not be those two who will get to mate--so far, I am watching them like a hawk and will not let anything happen... Chico, although looking better as far as weight goes, is structurally not right for Daisy... I have a couple of options in that arena. We'll see...
Hope everyone transitions well today--it's official! We are off and running with 2010...
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