About Me

My photo
Winter Springs, Florida, United States
I was school taught for grooming at FIAA, in Winter Park. I have worked at both large corporate grooming salons and small independent ones. Love this profession! I consider myself talented and gentle and love all the pets that come through my door... I have excellent references.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

No heart for blogging anymore...

Yes, I haven't blogged in a long time...  Have to say, I have not had the heart or motivation...  First, Taja & India had to be re-homed because it was to hard to maintain them any longer.  Well, I am afraid that because of the turn in the economy (and I do not mean for the good!) I have had to re-home Daisy, Chico and Boogie.  It nearly shattered my heart to pieces...

I still have Nini, Baby Girl and Manchita (my mother's chi from Nini's first litter) up for re-homing.  I am being pretty picky.  Luckily, Daisy found a local phenomenal home with two sisters who already had a younger chi named Zoe.  Chico Boom Boom went to live with Pancho (his son from Lucy X Chico's previous litter) in Orange City, FL and Boogie went to live with Lucky (our Lobo from Nini's last litter) in Port St.Lucie, FL.  They will be loved and cared for tremendously.  That consoles me...

Still, things are as tough as can be and the emotions can really get the best of me, many times... I will have to close up my website in the near future.  I will no longer be breeding. Lucy will remain here at home and maybe some others, don't know yet? But, all will be fixed.  My breeding days were some to remember and for that I am grateful.  It will be sad to say goodbye to ChihuahuaCrazy.com --it's been a part of me for so long now...

Daisy at 4 mths of age

Daisy with her babies...
To all of my previous clients and puppies--which are not so puppy anymore--thanks for all your support and words of encouragement.  I am truly lucky to have had you all come into our lives and take ownership of our little ones...  My email will never change and I will still remain on FB.  Wishing us all the very best in the future...
Our handsome and incredible Chico Boom Boom

Our wonderful little Boogie

Friday, July 23, 2010

Growing up quickly...

The puppies (Lucy X Boogies 6.18.10 litter) have graduated to another part of the house--the family room where all things human and canine converge...  They are wanting to play and move about a bit more.  Also, the other dogs are anxious to get to know them.  Today, they are officially 5 weeks of age!  Man, where has time gone???

Lily has now passed down the post of "Queen of the litter" to Pebbles who wants to dominate all things living around her!  She will play at any hour of the day or night, if she must, by herself with inanimate objects (which are not her favorite).  She is incredibly playful and active and wears out her siblings to no end...  Lily has become the one that everyone else picks on--because she is so laid back and passive, at this point.  Snoopy is still speaking up a storm whenever he wants milk or the comfort of his silblings, if they wander too far and out of sight.  And, Scooby is a pretty laid back little dude with the sweetest expression--makes you want to eat him alive!

We are now on Puppyfind and trying to find a home for Lily and Snoopy.  I feel I may not be doing this much longer--as much as I love it.  But, our lives are moving in a forward direction where breeding is not likely to fit into--sad, but it is our reality for now...  So, full time work is something that will soon be in my future--eventhough I really feel being a mom to four and breeding is already a full time job !  But, being Realtors, has been a downfall for us and reinvention is necessary at this point.  This economy has killed our industry and our livelyhood.  I can barely actively think about for more than 5 minutes, unless I want to seriously fall into a deep depression...

Yet, I consider myself very lucky to have these dogs and pups in my life and that of our family's.  They have given us so much--I cannot express how much I owe these little gifts of mine!!!  If it wasn't for them, my sky would most certainly have been black--and it is not--for the most part it has maintained it's shade of a beautiful baby blue... Forward and onward...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Back to the puppies after "our" vacation...

"Where are we???"

We have just come back from a family re-union on Miami Beach where we were able to relax in the sun (got too much of it!) with our family--a whole 100 of us!  Ya, a bit overwhelming, but fun nonetheless...  We had to leave the puppies at home with my mother, who happens to live with us--bless her!!! They were in the best of care--although, Lucy missed us a whole lot and made my mother's nights a bit miserable!!!  Otherwise, they are all fine.  It was amazing to see how much they changed over the span of the 5 days.  They look more mature now. 

Lily wondering about the sun...

Today we took them out into the yard for the first time.  It is HOT here in Central FL, to say the least!  They were not too happy about being out there, even though we were in the shade. So, the outing was short lived, but fun for a few minutes.  We were able to take lots of pics and a new video, which I will attach the link to here:

It's unbelievable to think they are going on 5 weeks of age already.  Time has a way of zipping by...  They are now beginning to try wet food--although their food of choice is Momma's yummy milk, hands down.  But, soon they will be forced to eat more of the solid food--nature's intuition and way.  Lucy will need a very long and deserving break after these puppies go.  She is a true Mom and we couldn't see our lives without her...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Graduating to the BIG POOL, yet again...

It's BIG POOL time for our latest litter!  They are not convinced of it, just yet.  The expanse is vast, in their eyes.  So, for the first few minutes there was a lot of whining, crying and howling.  Yes, howling just like a Beagle would do chin up to the sky...  Quite interesting.  This litter has turned out to be quite vocal, in comparison to many of our past litters.  Boogie is a talker, just like his mom is...  He is not annoying in the barking sense--doesn't really bark--but, he does, in my opinion, try to mumble or talk certain opinions to humans and other dogs, alike...  He is our special "little man", no doubt.

At this point, which is just a half hour after they were put into the Big Pool, they are all huddled together, for safety and comfort, in a corner of the pool on the comforter.  The texture of the newspaper is new to them, as is the bigger space. They already took a couple of pees on it--yayyyyy!  This way they learn quickly how to pee and poo on newspaper--thus, paper training...  Dry food is also introduced at this point.  Although, they are just beginning to get their milk teeth.  Soon though, mom (Lucy) will decide to let them nurse less and less.  It's incredible how quickly time passes...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Almost halfway there!

So, the puppies have been doing what they do --which is sleep, nurse, play (for short spurts), pee & poop (of course!) and the cycle repeats itself all over again and again...  Not the most exciting thing, but we are thankful they are complete, healthy and growing beautifully.  Our goal now, and always, is to find the right homes for them...  I feel very blessed in that arena--we have found so many great people to care for our little ones over and over again...  Chihuahuas are so addictive.  I think once you become a Chi owner, there is just no turning back--no other breed will suffice at this point!

They are all showing bits and pieces of their personalities, at this point--we have Lily which is the one who thinks she is in charge of the group with a soft but stern confidence; then there is Pebbles which is just happy to be belly up and in someones arms at any given moment; Scooby is just a jolly, happy go lucky boy with few cares; and lastly, there is Snoopy whose main concern is to find a comfy sleeping spot (he can get quite whiny if he doesn't get accommodated quite fast--but, it's cute to hear how vocal he is...).  They will certainly all change in the coming weeks.  They change quickly and develop into their own individuals.  It will be fun to see what they will turn into in the coming weeks...

Watch our latest video of the pups @:

Sunday, July 4, 2010

All are looking for trouble!

Only one able to keep his eyes open here is Snoopy--all are off to LaLa land...

Lucy and Boogie's puppies, at just a little over two weeks of age, have all opened their eyes.  It has been a couple of days since the first peeks and now they are visually detecting all that is around them -- like feet, ears, heads and tails...  Those are the toys of choice for now.  It's cute to see them going at one another, when they are awake--which is a minor percentage of the time!  But, the few little games of tag they play with one another are very entertaining...  I will try to video them later today and put it up for all to see...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Peeka Boo!

It is day 13 and Lily has beat all her siblings in being the first one to open her eyes!  Not a peek--but, wide open...  They are always a little fuzzy the first week or so.  As time goes by, they become clearer looking and so does their vision...  Everything is pretty much a blurr to in the beginning.  In a week or so, she will be using her vision much more and pegging her brothers and sister for little wrestling matches.  Can't wait for that, it is always so cute and funny to see them go at it... 

I cannot believe how quickly time is passing.  Just yesterday they were looking like little newborn hamsters and now they are so much more agile and mobile.  And boy do they complain when that milk doesn't flow fast enough out of mom's boobies--it's funny, annoying and disconcerting all in one!  They are luscious, nonetheless, and I am enjoying every minute of having them here.  Life is, as always, miraculous to me...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Crazy days so far, for summer...

It's been so long and a lot has happened since my last blog!  Lucy and Boogie had their puppies on the 18th of June--to start...  They had two girls and two boys--none blue!!!  So weird to see her with non-blue puppies...  In the past with Chico, she has only had blues and one black tri (but Black, Blue & Chocolate are all the same color/gene) so not to see a single blue, black or choco in her litter is just plain strange.  It's as if she is being a surrogate to these pups that do not look like they belong with her!!! Sorry, kinda of whacky--but that is just me...

All my human kids are off for the summer--and that has been exhausting!  Trying to keep everyone busy and happy.  We are also actively selling our home and showing it--which is also exhausting when you have a house full of kids and dogs--the cleaning can get overwhelming...  To top it off, I have had to sell my beloved horses--which has me broken down, for the moment...  Taja my Arabian Mare went to live with a family that has 11 yr. old girls that show in 4H--and she is doing quite well at their home which is on 5 acres and has other horses...  But, I miss her terribly... India, my older Draft/Tennessee Walker mare is still here and I trying to find her a good home where she will be used very occasionally...  She is an old lady that deserves to be retired for the rest of her life.  It is so sad to see her alone and looking out and calling for Taja, which was her pasture mate.  It's heartbreaking and too much for me at the moment. 

Nini and Chico's mating did not take.  Nini had a very strange heat cycle a couple of months ago.  So, it was sketchy from the get go...  She came into heat immediately after her last boy left our home and he was only a couple of months old???  She usually comes back into heat 4 months after her puppies leave her side--so, it was a questionable mating.  But, she is fine-just a little chunkier from my feeding her as if she were prego...  But, she'll lose the weight now that we know there are no pups...  She may go at it one more time...  We'll see. 

Daisy and Boogie are like two lovebugs--inseperable...  Daisy will be mated with Boogie when she is ready.  That combination will be interesting, no doubt...

The heat in Central Florida has been unbearable!  Honestly, what are looking toward in the future???  Heat index is at an average 106 degrees--crazy... and dangerous... 

Lucy's pups turned 10 days today...  They are chunkers and growing fast!   Soon, they will open their eyes--which is always so exciting!  Have to say they are so interesting in color--they are all tri colored (Red, Black & White) and have black masks, for now...  Lucy is being the phenomenal mom that she always is...  And life is a bit complicated, sad and anxious for us at the moment--but, Life Is Good--nonetheless...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

That ohhhh, I am so huge feeling...

Poor Lucy is getting near the end--sometime this coming week...  She is wobbling around like a Weeble Wobble from my childhood.. I am a bit nervous, just thinking there may be quite a few in that big tummy of hers!  I am really hoping it is not too big of a litter--the production of milk takes a lot out of them when there are numerous puppies (meaning 5 or more). We'll see.  To all that read this, please send your good thoughts for her upcoming whelping!!! 

Friday, June 4, 2010

Fleas and HEAT--ughhhhh...

It's amazing to me that Frontline and Advantix are expensive as they are when they really do not eliminate the flea problem!  I mean they may break a fleas reproductive cycle, but honestly, they should also keep them off the dog--at almost $10 a vial--it's the least the medication could do... It's outrageous to me that so many medical products and meds are sooo unaffordable to so many due to ridiculous pricing...  So many more dogs would be saved from Heartworm alone, if only it was a medication that was reasonably priced--but, unfortunately, that isn't the case...  Shame, darn shame... 

Here we are battling this da** heat and fleas to no avail!  Frontline doesn't seem to be doing the full job and the poor dogs are having to stay in most of the day because of the temp. outside...  And it is only the unofficial beginning of summer--blahhhhh....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fat & Lazy Days...

Lucy is showing tremendously.  She and Boogie have a couple of weeks to go before the big day!  The suspense is too much, at times...  That is the nice thing about Chihuahua unions--they can produce such a grand variety of colors and coats...  Will we get masked ones, blue ones, sable ones, long coated or short coated??? 

She is quite uncomfortable, at the moment, and ravenous!  She would be eating each second of the day if she could!  Have to be careful, overeating and gaining too much weight is not necessarily a good thing...  So, we are keeping her treats down to high protein, low in fat, treats and she is eating her canned food well. 

Nini, on the other hand, is not showing very much.  This makes me think that two things could've happened:  1) Her pregnancy did not take or 2) She was not quite ready, while she did accept, at the very beginning of her mating ritual and so she conceived very late in the process...  She may be as much as a week off, by my calculations.  We'll just have to watch and see...  She did come into heat very quickly after having had her last litter--which is a bit unusual...  This is a different scenario with her this time...  Hoping for the best with her...  After this one--she is off to get spayed.  She has been a phenomenal mother--could not have asked for better...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Summer Haircuts...

This is Florida--normally 80% humidity with temperatures in the 90's (usually upper 90's) all summer long.  It is not even officially summer time and we have been experiencing that kind of heat for a while now...  ugh...  It has been a rather dry spring time, which means the fleas are unstoppable...  Even with the use of very expensive topical agents, such as Frontline, etc., they do not seem to be letting down.  Poor dogs and, of course, poor humans who have a sensitivity to flea bites!  Luckily, I am not one of those, but one of my daughters and my mother are easily bitten by them...

So, eventhough to some it is a big NO NO, the dogs have gotten a nice shave down.  Fleas are less comfortable traveling the slippery terrain on a dog's body when there is little hair to be secured by.  They don't seem to like bare bodies.  I thought, twice, about shaving Boogie--being he is such a little thing--thought he might look like a rat, hehehe...  But it has been done.  I think he looks even more adorable.  You can really appreciate his diminuitive size without his coat.  He weighs even less, now, I think... 

I couldn't do it to Lucy(shave her)--she is already so smooth coated and tightly so.  But, they all received their baths and applications of Frontline...  (lots of mula $, blahhhh) And this is just the start to what is going to be one boiling summer!!!! 

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Feels like an empty house--somehow...

Boogie around 2 months of age...

Our luscious Bingo, now Apollo living with half bro Zeus

Have to say, we miss the pitter pat of small little paws running around...  This departure has been a difficult one to take.  I know that soon, in just under a month, we will have teeny ones again.  But, at the beginning, meaning for the first 3 or 4 weeks, the puppies are not really that active.  So, it will not be until they are about 4 weeks of age that they get going with the playing, walking/running, and rough housing with each other--which is always so fun to watch.  

We are really excited to see what the union of Lucy and Boogie will produce--will be quite interesting as far as color and size...  Nothing is ever predictable, really.  They could be teeny or not;  look like Boogie or not;  look like Lucy or not; and/or be completely different from either parent... Then, of course, Nini and Chico will be having their puppies about two weeks after Lucy.  That will be somewhat more predictable--but we could always be surprised!  We'll just have to wait and see. Ugh..... Waiting is always hard for me.     

Skyla, from Lucy and Chico, Lucy and Boogie top of pic.
What will we get???

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The girls have gone to their new home...

So, it has been a sad and exhausting weekend starting with the departure of Lotti & Khloe (our Bella and Lexi).  They have left a void in our home--but filled another in their new home.  We had the privelege of meeting their whole new family, minus the brother/sister canines they will live with.  We are overjoyed that they have gone to a beautiful and wonderful family that drove all the way from Panama City Beach, FL to our town of Winter Springs to pick them up...  It was a long drive here and then they had to head back home after picking them up---had to have been exhausting...

From this...
They could not believe how little Lotti (Bella) was and loved our little fluff ball Khloe (Lexi).  Loved the reaction on their faces when they first walked in--priceless...  That is what I love about what I do.  I will update them on the website and on the blog as soon as they get settled in and some pics are sent my way...  Lotti (Bella) left here weighing 1.6 lbs @ 8 wks & 2 days, Khloe (Lexi) was weighing 2.4 lbs--I swear half of that is fluff!!! haha  They are being loved and spoiled to death, as I type...

To this...

Monday, May 10, 2010

The day is nearly here. And then some more...

Khloe says, "I'm hungry, momma..."

This Friday!!!  Again, don't know where the time has gone !!!  My youngest one, Adriana, is feeling it already.  She has been asking me again and again whether they will be leaving today.  I keep reminding her it won't be until the end of the week....

Isn't that a face to love...

Before we know it, we'll have two new litters on our hands...  Lucy is due around the 16th of June and then, Nini is due around the 25th of June-so, it will be back to back litters...  Lots of pitter patting mid July, when they are up and running.  It will be exciting to see what we have...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Down to the wire!

                                 Lotti says, "My sissy doesn't get the fact that I want to sleep!!!"

Ok, so it's Friday...  Monday the babies are due for their shots, their first DHPP and Corona.  They are scheduled to leave on Friday, the 14th of May.  I can't believe how time has just zoomed by!  It seems like just yesterday we were sitting here in the family room, with Daisy looking very uncomfortable in the puppy pool...  And then, pop!  The first one, our Bella, new name Lotti, was popping her head out!!!  Daisy was screaming her head off, sounding like a human woman!  And then, as I tried to assist her, she bit me out of sheer pain!  That was a new experience, to say the least...

And now, they are running around, following my every footstep.  Playing with Boogie, when they and only they, are in the mood--if not Boogie gets big Bear growls that scare us all!!!!   We are absolutely in love with this pair--but, soon they will part from our home.  They will be very loved, no doubt--their new mommy is counting the minutes...  They are still so tiny--we are new to this size of chi that Daisy has given us... 

It seems that Lotti, has surprised us and not turned into the longcoat that we thought she would be.  While, on the other hand, Khloe is sporting a really thick coat, which we think will beautiful in thickness and in color... They are so very different in appearance, but so special in their individual ways...  Lotti is the hard playing and tough little cookie, which fits in your palm, who will not take any crap from anyone...  Khloe, is the sweet eyed, plumper,  ever forgiving, melts your heart with her gaze chi chi...  It's so funny to watch this pair of sisters...

Lotti, trying hard to sleep...
It will be so interesting and awesome to see what they end up at in the future...  I will look forward to updating their status as the months pass... I know that they will always hold a special spot in my heart, for sure...
Khloe ready to play...
Please let me be... Lotti

Monday, April 26, 2010

Uneventful times, for the most part...

Everything is status quo--no real change or huge news to report on. Lexi and Bella, which will now be Khloe and Lotti--have to get used to calling them those names! are doing great.  They have now come out of their puppy pool and joined the whole family in the family room, with it's TV, traffic of kids, adults and other dogs.  They are now exploring the area and playing with their choice of dog, at an given time...  Lexi (Khloe) is a total fluff ball--she reminds us of a mink coat, with the mink coloring and all!  And little Bella (Lotti) is a little spitfire full of play and fun.  Her coat is not turning out as long as I thought it would be, by this point.  She may just end up a rough coat--short coat with a thicker and bit longer coat--but not quite the true longcoat...  They're going home the weekend of the 14th of May to Cottondale, FL which is on the panhandle of FL.  They will have a Shitzu and a Schnauzer sister and brother waiting for their arrival, as well as a human sister and brother...  The family is very excited...

The only news we do have is that Lucy and Boogie did the deed.  They will be expecting puppies around the 16th of June--give or take a few days.  We are excited to see what that union produces, being that Boogie is a 3.6 lb. adult...  Nini, was not going to be bred again this time--but, with the slip of a door, Chico got her.  I have to decide what to do with that situation.  She is and has always been in excellent health.  Her 5th birthday was this past December.  I will consult with our vet before making the decision to either let her continue with the pregnancy or to have her spayed at this point...  We'll see. 

And so, all is well and normal as usual here at our Zoo. 

Friday, April 16, 2010

Going as usual...

Nothing new or exciting to report on...  The girls, Bella and Lexi, are doing well, as is usual at this point.  They are now becoming very interested when Mom's wet food is in the pool...  They scramble over to it as fast as they can...  Daisy is not too convinced she should be sharing it, yet.  She growls a little at the fact that they have their noses in her food.  After all, she is ravenous at this point being that she is a small female and providing milk for two little girls who love to drink!  But, hey, that is motherhood for you.  Anyway, the girls had crisscrossed their heads this morning--which I love to see.  So, here are a few pics of crisscrossed heads...

too precious...