Let me just reflect here for a moment---dogs and animals, in general, are so much easier to deal with than our human children... This summer has me wasted---with all 4 daughters at home and depending on ME--I am TIRED...
The dogs don't talk back, or leave their dirty plates out, or whine for this and that... I guess it's just these pre-teen years that are hard--can't imagine what the teen years will be like...
But, hey, those damn fleas are tiring--no matter what you use whether it's Advantix or Frontline--you can't get rid of them for good... What is up with that! For us, it is using a flea comb everyday and making sure they are killed one by one--yeah, I guess that can get tiring too... But, hey, I know I am blessed and would not have it any other way.... :-) Thanks for listening to ME whine a bit...